English Poem For Class 3 | Best English Poem For Class 3

Best here, I add about English poem for class 3 students. If you are a class 3 student or parent of a class 3 student then this will help you a lot to learn class 3 standard 3 English poems.

In this post, I’ve compiled the best English rhymes that can transform your child’s mindset and help them develop their thinking skills. Along with studies, poetry is an important part of life.

Friends, today Jiojobhome has brought English Poem For Class 3 for the children studying in class 3, which your children will like very much.

English Poem For Class 3 | Best English Poem For Class 3
English Poem For Class 3 | Best English Poem For Class 3

English Poem For Class 3

It is everyone’s dream to memorize English poetry, but no one does, and neither does their child. It is the responsibility of the parents to remind their children about the poem, even if they are in class 3.

Wee willie winkie runs through the town,

Upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown,

Rapping at the windows, crying through each lock,

Are the children in their beds? it’s now eight’ o clock!

Eating Habits poem–English Poem For Class 3
Eating Habits poem–English Poem For Class 3

Eating Habits poem

Good Eating habits are very necessary for a healthy and happy life. We should eat at the proper time and also eat everything that our mother cooks for us. vegetables, and fruits, they are very important in our growth.

Eat your food at the proper times

What mummy cooks is really fine

Vegetables and fruits all are nice,

They will make you strong and wise.

Taste of the junk food

will make you crazy,

but don’t take them

As it will make you lazy.

English Poem for Class 3 on Teacher

Thank you God English Poem for kids–English Poem for Class 3 on Teacher
Thank you God English Poem for kids–English Poem for Class 3 on Teacher

Thank you God English Poem for kids

We should always be grateful to God for whatever He gives us. Through poetry, we give to God everything that He gives to us.

God, we thank you for the night,

And for the pleasant morning light.

For rest and food and loving care,

And all that makes the day so fair.

Help us to do the things we should,

To be to others kind and good.

Standard 3 English Poem

Work and Play – Poem for class 3rd kids–Standard 3 English Poem
Work and Play – Poem for class 3rd kids–Standard 3 English Poem

Work and Play – Poem for class 3rd kids

Work while you work,

Play while you play,

That is the way

To be Happy and Gay.

All that you do,

Do with you might,

Things done by halves,

Are never done right.

Short English Poem For Class 3

How Creatures Move Poem in English–Short English Poem For Class 3
How Creatures Move Poem in English–Short English Poem For Class 3

How Creatures Move Poem in English

The lion walks on padded paws,

The squirrel leaps from limb to limb,

While flies can crawl straight up a wall,

And seals can dive and swim.

The worm he wiggles all around,

The monkey swings by his tail,

And birds may hop upon the ground

Or spread their wings and sail.

But boys and girls

Have much more fun:

They leap and dance

And walk and run.

English Poem For Class 3 Recitation

Bird Talk Poem in English

‘Think…” said the robin.
Think… said the jay,
sitting in the garden
Talking one day.

‘Think about people
the way they grow:
they don’t have feathers
at all, you know.

They don’t eat beetles,
they don’t grow wings,
they don’t like sitting
on wires and things!

‘Think!’ said the robin.
‘Think!’ said the jay.
‘Aren’t people funny
to be that way?

English Poem For Grade 3

Good Morning Poem in English

Good morning, sky;
Good morning, sun;
Good morning, little winds that run!

Good morning, birds;
Good morning, trees;
And creeping grass, and brownie bees!

How did you find out it was day?
Who told you night had gone away?
I’m wide awake;
I’m up now, too.
I’ll be right out to play with you!

Small English Poem For Class 3

Little by Little Class 3 kids’ poem

“Little by little,” an acorn said,
As it slowly sank in its mossy bed;
“I am improving every day,
Hidden deep in the earth away.”
Little by little each day it grew,
Little by little it sipped the dew.

Downward it sent out a thread-like root
Up in the air sprang a tiny shoot;
Day by day, and year by year,
Little by little the leaves appear,
And the slender branches spread far and wide Till the mighty oak is the forest’s pride.

Easy English Poem For Class 3

Sea Song poem for Class 3 kids

I found a shell, a curly one,
Lying on the sand,
I picked it up and took it home,
Cold inside my hand.

Mummy looked at it and then
She held it to my ear,
And from the shell, there came a song,
Soft and sweet and clear.

I was surprised – I listened hard,
But it was really true.
I wish you’d find a nice big shell
And hear it singing too!

English Poem For Class 3 With Moral

The English Poem for Class 3 with Moral is an excellent way to introduce classic English poetry to your students. This well-crafted poem is easy for students to understand and applies a moral to the story. There is also an accompanying Activity Guide that helps you engage your students further in this classic English poem.

The Balloon Man poem in English for Class 3 pupils

He always comes on market days
And holds balloons a lovely bunch
And in the market square, he stays,
And never seems to think of lunch.

They’re red and purple, blue and green,
And when it is a sunny day
The carts and people get between
You see them shining far away.

And some are big and some are small,
All tied together with a string.

And if there is a wind at all
They tug and tug like anything.

Some day perhaps he’ll let them go
And we shall see them sailing high,
And stand and watch them from below
They would look pretty in the sky!

English Poem For Class 3 Competition

The English Poem for Class 3 Competition is a beautiful piece of literature that will help your students shine in competition. This challenging poem is perfect for English classes across the country and can be used to test student reading skills and inspire them to achieve great things.

Trains poem Class 3 for kids

Over the mountains,
Over the plains,
Over the rivers,
Here come the trains.

Carrying passengers,
Carrying mail,
Bringing their precious loads
In without fail.

Thousands of freight cars
All rushing on
Through day and darkness,
Through dusk and dawn.

Over the mountains,
Over the plains,
Over the rivers,
Here come the trains.

English Poem For Class 3 With Poet Name

This is an English poem for class 3 with the poet’s name in it

Puppy and I Poem for Class 3 Kids

I met a Man as I Went Walking;
We got talking,
Man and I.
‘Where are you going to, Man?’ I said
(I said to the Man as he went by).
‘Down to the village to get some bread.

Will you come with me?”not I.’
I met a Horse as I walking;
We got talking,
Horse and talking,
‘Where are you going to, Horse, today?’
(I said to the Horse as he went by).
‘Down to the village to get some hay.
Will you come with me?”No not I.’

I met a Puppy as I went walking;
We got talking,
Puppy and I.
‘Where are you going this fine day?’
(I said to the Puppy as he went by).
‘Up in the hills to roll and play.
‘I’ll come with you, Puppy, said I.

Final thoughts

These English Poems For Class 3rd students should be enjoyed by you all. Comment below if you need more like that. Besides adding more poems, I also provide you with class-type poems at Jiojobhome.

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